The Neuschafer Community Library is located in the Village of Fremont, a small community in Waupaca County with a big heart. Surrounded by natural beauty, it is an ideal location to raise a family, vacation, or retire. The library, like the Wolf River it overlooks, connects communities from surrounding municipalities, serving as a gathering place for patrons to access resources, build relationships, and enrich their lives.

The Fremont Library: Then and Now
- Amelia and Frank Neuschafer lent out books from their front parlor (through Winnebago Extension) at the Tustin Road farmhouse.
- Dr. Walter Neushafer lent out books from his dental office above the corner of Wolf River Drive and Main Street.
- Representatives from the Women's Improvement Club, Legion Auxillary, Chamber of Commerce, Grade school principal, Fremont Library Club, Legion Post 391, Volunteer Fire Department, and Conservation League met to start a library in Fremont.
- New Library was set up in the Village Hall Council Room with 7 bookcases with locks.
- Mildred Verdon 1st Librarian.
- Library moved to a 170-square foot jail cell which was open 2 days a week
- Dr. Neuschafer would drive to Oshkosh Library each month and fill up the trunk with books for the Fremont Library
Linda Neuschafer worked in the library to keep it open and retired 49 years later.
Joined the Outagamie Waupaca Library System (OWLS).
Margie Dearth became the librarian which allowed the library to be open 4 days a week.
Dr. and Mrs. Neuschafer donated a $100,000 Stock Certificate for a free-standing library in the village (which became $108,000).
5 acres on the corner of Jefferson and Fillmore was purchased for the new library site.
- Lynn Sallee takes over as librarian.
- The library moved to the stage in Village Hall due to roof leaking.
- Village Board voted to demolish the 1932 building and build a Village Hall, Library, and Community Center.
- The 1932 Village Hall is demolished.
- Groundbreaking held for Fremont Village Hall, Library and Community Center.
- Village Board named Library after Dr. Walter Neuschafer.
- Neuschafer Community Library opens on February 9, 1995.
- Beth Edwards becomes Interim Director on April 1, 1998.
- Lisa Smith becomes Director on July 1, 1998.
Carol Toepke becomes Director.
Susan Frick becomes Director.
Natalie Snyder becomes Director.
- The covid pandemic closed the library, but remained operational with curbside service.
- Friends of the Neuschafer Community Library received a $100,000 grant from the Marilynn Taylor/Wohlt Creamery Fund through the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region for a library renovation. With additional help from patrons, Friends of the Library, and the Library Board, the total renovation cost was $125,000.
- Melissa Krause becomes Director.
- Library held a rededication ceremony honoring Dr. and Mrs. Neuschafer and Taylor/Wohlt for generous gifts to the library.
Strategic Plan was completed and adopted by the Library Board.